
An Online Marketer’s Guide to Building an Influencer Network

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Marketing has changed over the years. Gone are the days when brands are so much heavily invested in celebrities. Now, businesses can reach out to their specific customers by tapping into influencers that resonate well with them. Influencers are also effective for building solid relationships.

But for companies that are used to plastering posters across their stores or creating marketing materials using the best laser cutter for small businesses, working with influencers may be a new concept. Sooner or later, you will find yourself working with one. And with that, it’s worth investing your time in building a stable influencer network, which has people that you can count on for your campaigns.

Here are some of the things you may want to keep in mind:

Start identifying niches

It’s important to acknowledge that your target audiences have their own interests. Some may be interested in movies while others are drawn to traveling. Knowing this fact, you need to identify the different niches that your target audiences are interested in. Once done, you can find influencers in these niches – these influencers should also reflect the persona and attitude of your target audience. Also, consider doing a feasibility study that will allow you to determine if these influencers perfectly fit your consumers.

person working

Get in touch with the managers

Now that you have prospective influencers from different niches, the next thing that you will do is to get in touch with their managers or handling agencies. At this point, you can make a proposal, which will include the possible compensation package and their scope of work. But before you do this, you have to double-check if the influencers you are eyeing have already had a deal with your competitor or business that is in the same industry as yours. Doing so will also keep these influencers from getting involved in certain conflicts.

Pick influencers that reflect your brand values

Just because the influencers that you’re planning to work with are uber-popular, does not mean that they are already perfect for your brand. At the end of the day, you are doing this to make your corporate name look good. And you have to make sure that the influencers you’ll be getting reflect your values and philosophy. You have to keep in mind that your roster of influencers should not be involved in any form of scandal or reputation-damaging situations.

Follow the trends

Seasoned marketers may advise that you should not go with the flow. But sometimes, it is necessary, as trends usually give birth to new breeds of influencers. Following the trends will also help you determine the new interests of your target audience, which in turn will allow you to pinpoint the type of influencers they are following.

Use your network wisely

Building your influencers network takes time. And more often than not, it is a trial-and-error effort. But when you work hard on it, you will eventually find the people that easily suit your brand persona and resonate with your target audience.

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