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The Advantages of Prohibiting Mobile Phone Use in the Workplace

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Mobile phones are one of the best products of technological advancement. They help people communicate more efficiently and introduce us to apps that are bite-size versions of computer software. It’s undeniable that mobile phones have brought ease in doing everyday tasks.

Despite these amazing advantages, mobile phones are still a tool that firms try to forbid inside the workplace. This may sound a little harsh and somehow invasive. People may think this way since mobile phones have become a basic necessity for almost everyone.  But come to think of it, employees must comprehend the reasons behind the policy.

If you own a business or a firm, denying phone access to your employees during work hours may help with many things. You may be looking for the best reasons why this is just rational. Here are some advantages of prohibiting phones in the workplace.

Promotes Productivity

In case you’re late to the party, phones can be very addicting. Worse, using them is an addiction that tech companies and phone makers can control. News and opinion website Vox explained how phones were made to be addicting. It detailed how design plays a big part in ensuring people will perpetually get hooked on their mobile phones. This means that allowing employees access to phones may make them prone to distraction. And as you know, distraction can reduce productivity. The number of minutes employees spend on their phones can have an impact on business. A report revealed that employees waste nearly eight hours a week on non-work activities. These activities mainly involve the usage of mobile phones. Imagine how many of those lost hours could have been used for more productive tasks. This is why not allowing phones during shifts may help the company and the employees.

Protects Confidential Information

A company that deals with sensitive information usually prohibits phone access to its employees. This information is usually owned by clients and can’t be shared with anyone. Banning phones in this work setup only makes sense. Company owners don’t want their employees taking client information. Some can even sell all the confidential information to third parties. If you own a firm that handles client information, prohibiting phone access to your employees is just right. However, you need to give them proper knowledge about this guideline. Provide training or have them watch an informative animated corporate video about security. This will help them know the importance of keeping their phones away while working. Most importantly, this practice can help protect clients’ private information.

working efficiently

Prevents Intervention of Personal Life

When an employee decides to go to work, they should be in the zone. They should somehow leave personal matters at home so that it won’t distract their work. It’s one of the reasons why some companies prohibit phone access during shifts. Some circumstances can be happening in an employee’s house that may affect their performance at work. If they don’t have their phone with them during the shift, they can concentrate more on the job. They can always check their phones during breaks and after shifts.

Maintains Workplace Safety

There are work and workplaces that are hazardous phones can’t be allowed inside—factories, for example. Machines run a factory. If someone accidentally dropped a phone on one machine, the whole production line may stop. Worse, this could even cause machine damage or employee injury. Another example is when a job requires driving. We all know that texting or calling while driving is like playing with fire. It’s distracting for the driver, to say the least. If they have their personal phone with them and a message from a family member comes in, it may cause the employee to lose focus while driving. Hence, it may even cause a major accident. That’s what most companies are trying to avoid. Not allowing employees to use their phones in these working environments is just proper.

Minimizes Revenue Loss

All the things mentioned above are essential in maintaining revenue stability. Ignoring these factors can cause a company to lose income. Productivity alone can cost an employer a lot if not monitored. The same goes for negligence in protecting confidential information. Penalties due to lawsuits from failing to secure client information can affect a company’s revenue big time. And, of course, ignoring workplace safety can have the same effect. That’s why firms are trying their best to focus on preventing these things. And one practice they think would help them is prohibiting phones inside the workplace.

Mobile phones make life more convenient, but everything can be a risk factor. Even mobile phones can bring disadvantages to the workplace. A company’s job is to make their employees understand these disadvantages and why the policy is in place.

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