artificial intelligence

Google and AI Technology

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It’s easy to get lost in the world of fiction when it comes to Artificial Intelligence or AI. Movies like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator series have made a killing making hi-tech AI robots endearing and jaw-dropping at the same time.

And yet, there’s so much we don’t know about it. Concrete proof is how two of the brightest billionaires in the tech industry have contradictory views about the prospects of Artificial Intelligence. While Tesla founder Elon Musk says AI could spell the doom of humanity, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg says otherwise. Yes, no doubt these tech-preneurs are speaking some wisdom. We just don’t know which has more wisdom than the other.

But there’s a company that is at the forefront of AI, and one everyone knows by heart. Google, the search engine king has been leading the pack in terms of artificial intelligence. Right off the bat, it should be a great help in their quest to help the planet. With the massive amount of search queries handled on its online platform daily, Google needs all the help it can get.

Here are ways the world’s most widely used search engine is advancing Artificial Intelligence closer to perfection. And how you can make the most of it all.

Search Query Recognition

Think for a second. If you’ve been bothered by your toddler when he’s asking so many questions, how much more Google. Every day, the search engine handles over 3.5 billion search queries. And it’s as lopsided as it can get. While there are other options to search such as Microsoft’s Bing, Google is taking the lion’s share in search with 92.47% market share of the total pie.

And Artificial Intelligence is at the heart of Google’s search engine mastery. It is using AI to recognize with greater accuracy the real intent of a user. That’s taking into account the overall context of the search especially when using long-tail keywords.

So far, Google users are immensely satisfied. Meaning, they get what they’re looking for faster and more efficiently. A key example of Google’s AI in search is RankBrain. This AI-based search algorithm is so advanced it can analyze such hard-to-crack website metrics as user dwell time and corresponding bounce rate. In doing so, it can check if a website should be ranked higher or lower in the final output in the searches or search engine results page (the page you see as a result of your search).

Moreover, this also shows why hiring expert marketing SEO specialists is wise. It is a great first step in ensuring your website stays relevant to Google’s search engine technology. And be found by your identified market in the process. Needless to say, not appearing in Google’s searches can have a dire consequence on your business.

Unsupervised Learning

using a search engine

Think of learning in school. You listen to teachers. You read books. You learn by acquiring knowledge that is already prepared by someone else. That is supervised learning. It has its merits. AI can learn from data points prepared by human intelligence.

It’s true it has become central in driving progress for AI in the past. For instance, supervised learning is at the heart of self-driving cars and voice assistants. However, supervised learning has its serious limitations.

Why? Simply because there’s just too much information out there that labeling these bazillion data points is next to impossible. The solution? Unsupervised learning.

In its basic essential, unsupervised learning is allowing AI to learn from data sans the usual guidance provided by humans. It’s like letting a baby explore on its own.

It sounds scary but experts identify unsupervised learning as the next frontier of AI. In a nutshell, the AI algorithm identifies patterns and behaviors and learns from these. In a way, it’s like giving AI its own brain.

And Google is again at the heart of unsupervised learning. Natural Language Processing or NLP has had amazing progress thanks to Transformer, an unsupervised learning architecture that started at Google three years ago.

NLP is a machine’s ability to process human language. With NLP, AI can scan documents and in a way understand the content in them. With this, Google can now understand better and differentiate one content posted online from another.

Voice-based Searches

Another key AI application is voice-based search. And who wouldn’t want to do that with all the convenience it brings? You’ll be surprised at how much AI is playing a part in voice recognition technology.

Today, there are about 4 billion digital voice assistants used in devices all over the world. It is predicted such numbers will rise to 8.4 billion units by 2024. And once again, Google is at the heart of it all with Siri.

It’s amazing how one company can do so much. But you’ll have to hand it to Google. When it comes to Artificial Intelligence, the search king is also the king of AI. Indeed, from the looks of it, making sure you keep posted of Google’s AI advance is wise.

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