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Is Transferring Schools Worth It? Here’s What You Should Know

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Switching schools and changing programs is common for most college students. For some, the transition marks a new beginning and a chance to restart for better opportunities to come. But while transferring schools is a wise move, some students find it hard to decide if they should do it or not. Thus, it’s best to understand and assess yourself if it is time to start anew in a better learning environment.

You don’t have the financial capabilities

Realigning your academic plans goes without tapping on your financial situation, especially with the current health crisis. According to reports, tuition fees have more than doubled even before the pandemic. Student loan debt now amounts to $1.5 trillion or an average of $29,800. And with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy, we may expect an outpouring effect on the financial norm for higher education in the coming years.

Toss in your food allowance, rent, transportation, and miscellaneous into the mix; surviving college can be pretty tricky. Of course, getting side jobs and working full or part-time is still a viable option; however, the demand and stress of both may also put a significant toll on your mental and overall health. Therefore, it’s best to weigh your options.

Consider assessing your cash flow and going over your present financial aid and other resources before deciding on staying in your current program. Stay informed about the changes in your tuition fee and compare it with other colleges that offer the same degree. List down at least three alternative schools, including community colleges and four-year institutions.

Of course, a low tuition fee shouldn’t be your only basis. While you need to prioritize your financial situation, you must also consider the university’s quality service and process. This includes checking various standard acceptance rates for universities such as Stanford University, private and public institutions, and their health and safety protocols for COVID-19.

college student

You don’t feel safe anymore

Feeling uncomfortable, scared, nervous, and clueless is normal, especially when you’re trying something new. And starting college isn’t an exception — it is an inevitable part of life that often comes with excitement and hope that everything will work out fine.

However, if this fear is already affecting your personal and social life as well as your academic performance, it may be time to reevaluate your situation. First, consider what is affecting this behavior and if changing the environment will help you regain your sanity. Furthermore, understand that uprooting your life is a permanent decision for a temporary feeling; therefore, consider assessing its long-term effect first.

Consult with a friend, family, counselors, and professionals before making final decisions. Acknowledge various factors contributing to this behavior, including mental health, bullying, academic stress, and not fitting in. According to reports, there has been a significant increase in burnout and anxiety among college students since the onset of the pandemic.

This has caused the younger generation to struggle in making decisions and developing coping mechanisms that are toxic to their overall health. This includes alcohol dependency, smoking, an unhealthy diet, and even substance abuse. So, understand that valuing your mental health should be one of your topmost priorities, and if you think your current environment doesn’t offer much help, then it may be time to rethink things.

You have a change of heart

According to a survey, students nowadays face a dilemma in choosing a major in college. This indecisiveness causes a delay in finishing a degree, therefore incurring much more student-loan debts and higher education costs. If you are in the same boat, know that this isn’t your fault.

Various factors come into play, including lack of support system and having little to no interest in working on goals and how to achieve them. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t reinvent yourself anymore. Eventually, realizations will come, and you’ll find what path truly fits your personality and the future you want for yourself.

Furthermore, when you decide on the major that’s right for you, you may find yourself in the wrong program that offers little to no support for the services and training you need. In this case, transferring schools is a good option.

Education is an investment. For many, getting a degree is their ticket to increase their earnings, foster career satisfaction, expand knowledge, open doors of opportunity, and have a better future. Therefore, you need to start putting in much effort and take necessary actions to enrich your life, even if that means uprooting yourself from your current situation to receive a much better learning environment.

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