getting cold because of winter

Staying Healthy This Winter Season

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Taking care of our health is the top-most priority on our list during the cold season. But with the threat of COVID-19 present, it is all the more we should be concerned about. Even with the promising result of available vaccines by the end of the year, it is still prudent not to risk any chances.

As days become shorter and colder, we are more inclined to hibernate in our cocoon. Getting up early in the morning to exercise is harder than ever. However, not taking proactive measures to stay healthy leads to a weakened immune system. This increases the chance of catching diseases, apart from COVID-19.

Being able to recognize early on any signs of illnesses and safety risks helps us prevent or at least deal with them when they arise. Check out these winter health and safety habits you need to consider to stay fit and safe even beyond the holiday season.

Diet and Exercise Tips

Although a lot of weather-related injuries happen during the cold season, the major contributor to our overall health risk is our unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Usually, with so many tasks at hand during the holidays, we tend to overlook our healthy habits.

Reduce Carb Cravings

The cold weather makes us want to eat more carbs and comfort food. It is only a natural body reaction that we want to store more calories during the cold winter months. However, we should mind what we eat. To combat carb cravings, eat protein-packed meals and low-fat healthy snacks.

Eat and Drink More Fiber

Incorporate high fiber fruits and vegetables in your diet this winter. If you are not that fond of eating fruits, you may opt to buy high-quality fruit puree instead. The soluble fiber found in oats, nuts, and citrus fruits helps reduce blood cholesterol and glucose levels. It also helps in increasing our immune system function.

Exercise at Home

Most fitness centers’ operations are still shut off. But this should not hold you back from working out. There are plenty of workout resources you can find online, including yoga, aerobics, and strength training. And the beauty of this is that most of these resources are free.

Safety Tips

lawn covered in snow

Car Inspection

Around 480,000 injuries due to car collisions happen each year during winter. Making sure your vehicle is in its top condition to withstand the harsh winter conditions is crucial. It helps avoid any unnecessary accident that is likely to occur during cold weather conditions.

Checking your vehicle’s tires should be on top of your list. It is necessary that your tires can resist hydroplaning, especially if you live in an area where rainstorms are a common occurrence. Make sure as well you have enough washer fluid and engine coolant.

Safe Holiday Decorations

Even with the pandemic, it does not mean we have to kill our holiday spirits. Decorations are still a must-have sight. With this in mind, you need to make sure you select decorations that are hazard-proof. Also, when hanging decorations make sure your ladder is working properly to avoid any falling accidents.

Salt Driveways and Paths

Salting your driveway and other exterior paths help prevent serious injuries due to fall. Reapply salt as frequently as you can to keep your entire household safe from any slip and fall accidents. When going out, be mindful as well when walking on the parking lot as these areas are often not thoroughly salted.

General Wellness Tips

The gloomy winter seasons also pose another threat ━ and that is to our mental health. According to research, about 9 million U.S. citizens are severely affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). When our mental health is not okay, we are all the more prone to stress and illnesses.

Taking a more holistic approach in dealing with our health includes caring for our mental well-being. To do so, here are some tips we can try this winter and even beyond.

Frequent Hand Washing

Even before the outbreak of the Coronavirus, we often hear this reminder to frequently wash our hands throughout the day. Though it may sound like a broken record, this simple act not only helps protect our immune system but also helps prevent spreading diseases and viruses to others.

Take Vitamin Supplements

Getting enough vitamins is extremely helpful, even when it is not winter. Vitamin C helps fight cold and flu-like symptoms most of us often experience during winter. Also, Vitamin D, which we can naturally get from sunlight, helps our body in absorbing necessary vitamins like calcium and iron.

Get Enough Sleep

With days getting shorter, it is only natural that our bodies demand that we sleep longer. Since we mostly spend our time inside our homes during winter, take this opportunity to work on your sleeping habits. Get into bed as early as possible to help your body get enough rest it needs.

Even when gatherings and events are still a no-no during this time, it doesn’t mean you cannot reach out to old friends and family members. With the help of the internet and various social media platforms, you can arrange for online social gatherings. Social distancing should not hinder us from staying connected with our loved ones.

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