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Social Media Hacks that Can Boost Conversions

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Social media is still a platform that businesses use to connect with their target markets and change casual visitors into paying customers. On average, people spend around two hours on social media. This may seem short, but users browse and scan information about anything easily and retain details important to them.
This is the ideal time to leverage various social media platforms. However, going full steam ahead without any nuance is a recipe for disaster. Experts from a creative marketing agency cite the following strategies that connect you with your audience and convert at a high rate.

Social Listening

Social media usage has expanded exponentially over the years. Experts have developed tools and platform features that allow your business to listen to conversations about your brand. Some customers and potential ones tag companies when they want to promote, rant, or recommend to a friend. This is free advertising and allows you to reach a wider audience without spending. However, you should also “listen” to brand mentions even if that person doesn’t tag you. Browse forums, look for hashtags and identify topics related or associated with your industry. This enables you to determine customer pain points and the ideal ways to address them.

Leverage Story Platforms

Instagram Stories and their Facebook counterpart are no longer just for individuals joining the latest dance crazy or random blurb. Businesses can leverage these features to reach their audience and move them along the buyer’s journey. Approximately 500 million users use both Facebook Stories and Instagram Stories, so there are several opportunities for you to convert even if you target just a fraction of that number. Create interactive stories and use polls to feel the pulse of your audience. This allows you to identify possible services and product improvements that make your market stay loyal or convert those in your competitors’ camp.
three women using social media

Campaign Alignment

Many experts have repeated the maxim consistent branding sets you apart. This has withstood the test of time, and companies customize their implementation. When you use social media, make sure that all your campaigns and objectives are aligned. The branding, tone, colors, message, and others must be similar if not the same. Identify objectives for each campaign, such as content promotion or conversion. The budget for either change depending on the needs of your company.

Focus on Interest-Driven Groups

More and more social media users are creating interest-driven communities that are either open to everyone or require a screening process. This makes one feel they are part of a community that shares their passions, goals, and interests. You can leverage this to find potential customers who don’t need as much convincing to choose your brand or consider it when they are ready to purchase. Facebook groups are home to various users that may be receptive to your message and agree with your company values. Join communities and interact with members. Like posts or share interesting articles related to the group.
These social media marketing hacks are just some you can implement to achieve your conversion objectives. The platform provides many opportunities for you to build your audience and gain their trust.

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