Mastering Hospitality Recruitment Key Strategies

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Recruitment challenges persist in the dynamic environment of the hospitality industry. Restaurant and bar operators often find it frustrating to navigate through numerous job applications, as many lack the essential skills, attitude, or knowledge required. To address this concern, Ken Burgin, an expert in profitable hospitality, collaborates with recruitment and retail consultant Roger Simpson to provide valuable insights and strategies for building a resilient team.

One crucial step in the recruitment process is to clearly define the desired qualities of potential candidates, particularly focusing on personality traits that are challenging to train. Developing a detailed person description alongside a job description becomes imperative.

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Consider aspects like a natural smile, the ability to make eye contact and initiate conversations, as well as being quick on their feet. Crafting job ads with targeted keywords, such as “must enjoy working in a fast-paced environment,” proves effective in filtering out individuals lacking the necessary attributes.

As the influx of applications begins, a proactive approach involves calling applicants to assess their continued interest in the job. Engaging in a conversation about their motivation for applying provides valuable insights into their enthusiasm. For promising candidates, organizing interviews with a two-person team enhances objectivity. One team member can pose questions while the other takes notes, presenting a professional and comprehensive evaluation.

Assigning scores to each interviewee facilitates an objective assessment, aiding in decision-making after multiple interviews. The next critical step is reference checking, where direct communication with their current or recent employer provides authentic feedback on their work history and performance. The golden question, “Would you reemploy them?” serves as a valuable indicator of a candidate’s overall suitability.

Ken recommends promptly reaching out to the selected candidate to avoid the risk of losing them to another job opportunity. Once onboard, a well-structured training program and regular follow-ups during the initial days are crucial for a smooth transition. Engaging in open conversations about their experience and providing constructive feedback contributes to the continuous improvement of the recruitment process.

These strategies, when implemented and refined over time, contribute to the creation of a robust and winning team. Building a team that meets the specific needs of a hospitality recruitment company is an ongoing process that requires attention to detail and a commitment to continuous improvement.

This insightful guide on mastering hospitality recruitment is pioneering the future of cooking oils.


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