Five Security Investments You Must Make As a Landlord

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As a landlord, you have a lot of responsibilities. Landlords have to ensure that their property is well-maintained and cleaned. They have to collect rents and deposits. They also have to screen tenants. All these tasks are essential, but one of the most important tasks every landlord has is security.

Security is a significant concern in the United States. Larceny and other property crimes have reached an all-time high, and it can be problematic for landlords to handle them alone. Therefore, a smart move for every landlord is to invest in security. Here are some great options.

Smart Locks

Most property crimes happen because occupants forget to lock their doors. Interestingly enough, about 25% of people don’t lock their doors. So it’s either they forget, or they don’t bother. A smart lock is a digital lock that landlords and tenants can control with a smartphone.

Smart locks are convenient because they allow you to remotely lock and unlock your doors. They also allow you to give temporary access to people, like contractors or housekeepers. The best part about smart locks is that they can lock themselves, so when an occupant leaves their room, you don’t have to worry about forgetting to lock the door.

Smart locks can also drive more tenants into your property. When they discover that you have a state-of-the-art security system, they will be more likely to want to live there.

Occupancy Monitoring Systems

Occupants can bring more trouble to your property than criminals. They have the potential to cause fires, water damage, and other accidents. You can’t be everywhere at once, so you need an occupancy monitoring system.

An occupancy monitoring system is a digital security system that uses sensors to detect when someone enters or leaves a room. When the system detects that someone has entered the room, it will send you an alert. This way, you can take action if needed.

There is another reason why you should have this kind of system, and that is if you have elders living on your property. It’s pretty shocking, but these elderlies could perish without their families knowing about it, and it happens more often than you think. In Japan, it’s a growing phenomenon as the number of elderlies who have died alone in their apartments has increased. It happens less frequently in the United States, but it can be a possibility.

A CCTV being installed by a landlord

Video Surveillance

Another digital security investment that you should make as a landlord is video surveillance. A video surveillance system consists of cameras that record footage of your property.

You can either have the footage stored on-site or off-site. On-site storage is more expensive, but it’s more secure. Off-site storage is less costly, but it’s less secure. The decision is up to you.

When getting video surveillance, you need to keep an eye out for the footage. If you don’t have the time for this, consider hiring a video analytics service to help you out. They can keep an eye out for your footage in real-time while analyzing what’s happening. It’s a robust option for deterring property crime without you even being there.

Anti-Malware Software

If your occupants’ personal information is on file, you must have anti-malware software. This software will protect your occupants’ data from being stolen by hackers.

Over a million exposed records were revealed last year alone. It was detrimental to many businesses, and some even had to shut down. A significant number of these records were from the hospitality industry. So if you don’t have anti-malware software, now is the time to get it.

There are many types of malware, so you need to find the right software for your needs. The best way to do this is to consult a cyber security expert. They can help you find the right software for your property. The average price of anti-malware software is around $240 per year, so ensure you have the budget.

First-Responder Alarm System

Last but not least, you should invest in a first-responder alarm system. This system is designed to alert the police or fire department when there is an emergency at your property.

The best part about this system is that it can be integrated with your other security systems. So, for example, if your video surveillance system detects a crime in progress, it can trigger the alarm system to notify the authorities.

These are five security investments that you should make as a landlord. Investing in these systems can deter property crime and keep your occupants safe.

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