billboard along the highway

Is Traditional Advertising Dead?

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Traditional advertising isn’t dead. It is very much alive. It surrounds us. It is at the core of every advertising method we can think of—digital billboards, on-screen streamers, email newsletters, flyers, etc. Marketers and advertisers would have you believe that you should put your advertising budget on online ads alone. They would tell you that the Internet is having a moment and that you should take a cut of the large pie.

But while they aren’t wrong, there’s a reason the adage, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” has survived for so long. Your ads need diversity such as custom stickers in New Zealand or other countries. They need to seek new markets through traditional and modern advertising methods. In short, businesses should invest both in the traditional marketing strategies such as television, print, billboards, and radio and in Internet marketing techniques such as SEO, email, content, and social media.

Mediums Work in Tandem

Traditional and Internet advertising methods work in tandem. It shows in one experiment wherein a marketing agency pulled out a client’s ad off the air. After one month, the marketing agency evaluated the online search metrics of the same client. It showed that web searches, site traffic, and sales plummeted. It picked up once again when the client’s television ads were back.

Advertising on TV, radio, and print helps keep audiences aware of your brand. When they think about needing a car mechanic, for example, you want your business to be the first one they think of. They may use the Internet to search for car mechanics. But you don’t want it to be a vague or generic search. You want your target market to search for your business’ name.

Traditional Advertising Is Less Noisy

Blank billboard or poster located in underground hall

The online world is noisy. There are too many things going on. You have 10 tabs open in your browser. Each one of those tabs is important to what you’re trying to achieve. There’s a video playing in the background in one of these tabs. Advertisements are popping everywhere. Once in a while, you will check your Amazon tab and see if a pair of shoes you’re eyeing is on sale.

None of these are happening on traditional media. Most traditional ads stand alone. Your mind can focus on the jingle you hear on the radio while driving on the highway. When stuck in traffic, your eyes will wander to the billboards and streamers around you. Have you ever been handed a flyer while you’re walking to a grocery store? For a brief second, you’ll read the flyer and see the current offers. That attention is very important when it comes to promoting a product, a service, and a business.

It Is More Personal

Traditional advertising is more personal. Your target audience sees it like that. Online ads often feel so far from reality. But when you advertise traditionally and join local community gatherings and events, you’re essentially telling your audience that your business is a part of the local fabric weaved into their lives.

Advertising will always be challenging. But today’s advertising landscape gives you plenty of options to build your brand. You can use variations of the different techniques to catch the interest of your target market.

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