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An introductory guide to Google’s tag manager

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Whether you own a website or are overseeing the management and SEO of one, you need to be familiar with Google’s tag manager.

Why? Because it provides a simplified route to implement code onto your website without needing to have a PhD in computer science or programming.

Of course, it is not meant as a replacement for developers, but it does help when you are building a website from scratch and also seeks to speed up the process.

So, if you have a dental surgery webpage that you need to build up, or you are hiring someone else to do this for you, read on for a brief guide to this simple and SEO-friendly tool.

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What is Google tag manager?

Google Tag Manager is a smart tool which allows the developers or owners of dental websites to manage and deploy various tracking tags and scripts on their websites without having to modify the site’s code directly. It simplifies adding, updating, and managing snippets of code, known as tags, for tracking purposes, such as analytics, advertising, and remarketing.

With Google Tag Manager, you can add and manage a wide range of tags, including Google Analytics, Google Ads conversion tracking, Facebook Pixel, remarketing tags, custom HTML tags, and many others. Instead of manually adding these tags to your website’s code, you can insert the Google Tag Manager container code on your site, and from there, you can control and update your tags through the Google Tag Manager interface.

What are the benefits of it?

You can add and manage tags without directly editing the website’s code, reducing the dependence on web developers.

Tags can be added or modified easily through the Tag Manager interface, allowing you to make changes quickly and test new tracking configurations.

Google Tag Manager maintains a version history of changes, making it easier to revert to a previous configuration if needed. The tags are loaded asynchronously, which means they don’t interfere with the website’s loading speed or user experience.

The interface of Google Tag Manager provides a user-friendly environment for managing tags, triggers, and variables, even for non-technical users.

How does Google tag manager help with SEO for dental surgeries?

While Google Tag Manager itself is not directly related to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), it can be used in conjunction with other SEO strategies to improve the performance and tracking of dental surgery pages.

Tracking and analytics implementation

Google Tag Manager allows you to easily implement various tracking codes, such as Google Analytics, on your dental surgery website. By accurately tracking user behaviour, you can gain insights into how people interact with your site, identify areas on the site that could use improvement, and optimise your SEO efforts accordingly.

Event tracking

With this tool, you can set up event tracking for specific actions on your dental surgery pages, such as button clicks, form submissions, or video views. This data can provide valuable insights into user engagement and conversion rates, allowing you to make data-driven SEO optimizations.

A/B testing

Google Tag Manager enables you to run A/B tests by implementing different variations of content, design, or functionality on your dental surgery pages. By testing different SEO elements, such as meta titles, descriptions, or call-to-action buttons, you can identify what resonates best with your audience and improve your organic search performance.

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Mobile optimization

Google Tag Manager can help you implement mobile-specific tags and tracking codes to ensure your dental surgery pages are optimised for mobile devices. Mobile optimisation is crucial for SEO since search engines prioritise mobile-friendly websites in their rankings.

Schema markup implementation

While not directly related to Google Tag Manager, you can use Tag Manager to deploy scripts or tags related to schema markup. Schema markup provides search engines with structured data about your dental surgery pages, helping them understand and display your content more effectively in search results, potentially improving your organic visibility.

Can you use Google Tag and Google Analytics to help website ranking?

These two tools alone do not directly influence website rankings in search engine results. However, they can provide valuable data and insights that can indirectly contribute to improving website ranking through informed SEO strategies.

GA implemented through GTM, helps monitor website traffic, user behaviour, and conversion rates. By analysing this data, you can identify which pages are performing well, understand user engagement, and uncover opportunities for improvement. This knowledge can inform your SEO efforts, such as optimising content, enhancing user experience, and addressing any performance issues.

GA provides data on popular search queries, landing pages, and user demographics. You can optimise your website’s content strategy, create targeted and relevant content, and incorporate relevant keywords that align with user intent and search queries.

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