housekeeping staff mopping the floor

Exceptional Qualities of a Housekeeping Staff

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Housekeeping is one of the areas that define a good hotel service. Guests value cleanliness in the rooms where they stay. Hotel managers must take the time to choose housekeeping staff. What makes a person fit for such a job? Here are some indispensable qualities that will help impress hotel guests:

Organization Skills

Cleaning many rooms is hard work. For a housekeeping staff to do such a feat, they must have everything ready on their carts. Examples of essentials are durable cleaning rags, linens, towels, cleaning tools, and toiletries. It will be a waste of time to go back and forth to the stock room to get some materials.

Also, they know how to clean a room with efficiency. They do not do it haphazardly. Instead, they follow a system that yields the shortest time possible. They know that time is of the essence because other tasks are waiting for them.

Attention to Detail

Even when they aim for the shortest time to clean a room, they make sure that every area will pass the standards. Some do it with a checklist. Others have before and after pictures to see if something is amiss. They know that every nook and cranny of a room is important.

Some hotel guests are very meticulous. Some are very particular with bathroom cleanliness. Others check for specks of dust on surfaces. Good housekeeping staff knows that they must give every area the same utmost care. This conscientiousness helps build the hotel’s reputation.


Housekeeping is done in the absence of the hotel guest in the room. An excellent housekeeping staff knows their boundaries. They do not touch or get things owned by hotel guests. They know that they play a major role in upholding the dignity of the establishment where they work.

Also, in case of accidents or mistakes, they know how to own up. When a valuable item is broken or damaged, they take full responsibility if it is their fault. This kind of action helps in appeasing a frustrated hotel guest. For most, the parties reach amicable settlements where there is honesty.

Willingness to Go the Extra Mile

A hardworking staff does not measure their jobs by the tasks nor the hours. They are always ready to serve. They provide comfort and convenience to hotel guests. Listening to concerns is a strong quality that they have. Their willingness to do special requests or odd jobs score points to the hotel guests.

They also know how to extend warmth to the guests. They are cordial and attentive. Housekeeping may only mean cleaning and keeping things in order. But an exemplary staff goes beyond this. Customer service is their topmost priority.


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Housekeeping personnel that has a passion for their job makes room for improvement. They never stop learning in many aspects. It can be in how to communicate with guests or how to carry out their responsibilities. They follow standards and procedures, but they have quick minds for novel problems. They have sharp problem-solving skills.

Finding housekeeping staff with such exceptional qualities is like finding a gem. They will be great assets to any establishment.

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