woman looking at a mirror

Creating a Personal Wellness Plan

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Wellness plans are plans of action intended to help a person achieve personal wellness, which implies a state of overall health and satisfaction. There are numerous dimensions to ‘personal wellness,’ and each needs to be nurtured, developed, and maintained for optimal wellbeing. Consulting your physician to make a personal wellness plan alongside managing nutrition, exercise, and sleep is an excellent way to improve your overall health and life.

Having a personal wellness plan can help you stay on track to a healthier life. Consider it like the rebates and incentives you get for staying loyal to a company, brand, or service provider; you get to enjoy the lifelong rewards of better health, emotional well-being, and happiness by being aware of what is good for you.

Here’s how you can create a wellness plan and actually stick to it.

Be Clear On Your ‘Why’

The best way to make an efficient personal wellness plan is by knowing why you want to change. Ask yourself, what would your before and after photos look like, or what would be different about your routines if you remove the obstacles hindering your optimal wellness right now? In essence, if you’re going to ‘transform’ yourself, it’s best to be clear on what benefits await you, motivating you and giving you that ‘boost’ to get your life together.

Identify Your Goals

After knowing ‘why’ you want to have a personal wellness plan and improve your life for the better, it’s time to make a specific and measurable list of three main things you want to change to motivate you—and realistically achieve. For instance, lowering your weight by 10 pounds per month can be a great start. Giving yourself a ‘deadline’ can motivate you more, allowing you to reach your goals faster and giving more time for your other goals.

plan on a notebook

Make an Action Plan

Before you can achieve your goals, you’ll need to have a clear picture of where you stand. So, assess your current physical, mental, and emotional health to see where you should start. It’s best to consult with your doctor to see if you have any medical issues that may require restrictions.

However, in any case, it’s best if you start small. For instance, if you’re not used to exercising, walking more, or doing activities you want to do and not things someone talked you into can be an excellent start for boosting your physical health. Going for organic foods and reducing your intake of processed food is also a great way to improve your health.

Although you may not see immediate results, starting small is the best way to go, as taking on too much in the start can leave you giving up early on.

Track Your Progress

Although making a personal wellness plan is easy, managing one can be tricky. After all, you can’t manage what you can’t measure. So, to ensure you stick to your plan long-term, be proactive, and keep track of your progress. You can do this by writing your progress in a journal or using a fitness tracker app on your phone. Make sure to include what you’re feeling to monitor how your mental health is.

Adjust Your Personal Wellness Plan

Remember that succumbing to ‘better’ change isn’t instant, and it’ll take some time for you to get used to it, so take it slow, and you’ll see improvements over time. Plus, remember that a personal wellness plan isn’t for the rest of your life—and you’ll need to update your ‘plan’ periodically.

Generally, it’s best to discuss your personal wellness plan with your physician annually when you get your yearly check-up to adjust it accordingly.

Taking care of yourself in a dynamic world full of unhealthy food, pollution, and stress is essential in ensuring your mental and physical wellbeing—and a personal wellness plan is a perfect start to that. Follow the steps mentioned, and you’ll be making your own in no time, ensuring long-term health, happiness, and wellbeing.

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