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The Challenges That Increasingly Tech-dependent Offices Face

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It is impossible to see a business or organization thrive without the internet. Everything passes through the internet these days. Do you need to contact a supplier or client? You need to use emails for that. Do you need to advertise your latest promos? You will use social media for that.

How about writing about your industry? For that, you need a blogging site and social media, too. You have to upload videos on YouTube and engage potential customers in the comments section. See? It is impossible to run a business without the internet today. That is not seen.

Herein lies the problem of many offices, warehouses, factories, and retail stores. As technologies developed, so did their dependency on them. They can no longer function without their computers and smartphones, which means they rely on the internet to do many of their tasks. The pressure is on technology to keep up with the demands and the tasks needed to be accomplished. While this is possible in theory, scientists and tech experts find it hard to physically comply with the requirements.

Thermal Management

The rollout of the 5G network became a highly debatable topic about thermal management in internet connectivity. With faster download and upload speeds and increased connectivity, 5G networks put pressure on the internet’s infrastructure. WiFi routers and nodes are having a hard time accommodating all the devices that connect to them. This increases the thermal energy being used and produced by these modems.

Fortunately, tech engineers found a way around this problem using bulk acoustic wave (BAW) filters. Because of the many tasks that routers and nodes have to do, they lose their efficiency to compensate for the insertion loss. The BAW filters help stop that loss and thereby lead to good product thermals.

office space

Energy Efficiency

The more these components do for computers and the internet, the more energy they need. But the more energy they use, the less efficient they also become. This means that these components use energy excessive to what they were initially designed for. This has adverse effects on the devices that use these technologies.

Although overheating is the major problem, there is also the possibility that the gadgets may shut down because of overheating. It can lead to permanent data loss when the shutdown happens in the middle of a task.

Another problem when components and devices become less efficient in the office is the increase in overhead costs. Since they are using more energy, expect to have higher utility bills, too. At a time like this, it’s a complete waste of money to pay for the electricity you could’ve prevented from happening.

This problem is connected with thermal management, so BAW filters are also one of the keys to this issue. Businesses need to be responsible for their carbon emissions. This is not a local problem; this is global. Every organization needs to do its part in ensuring the stability and sustainability of the environment.


Technology-reliant offices are more susceptible to security problems if they don’t know how to use technology to protect their data. When businesses transact over the internet, cybercriminals have a huge chance to get into their systems. That is if they do not invest in the proper measures that will protect sensitive information from getting into the hands of unscrupulous individuals.

This reliance on technology is understandable. Businesses and organizations find it more convenient to transact online. It is only practical that they use technology to help their organizations thrive better. However, the security risks are something that they should address, too. To ensure their data is protected, businesses have to work into their budget software, programs, and tools that will encrypt every message that comes in and out of the system.

Skills Gap

Everyone understands the importance of technology in business and how businesses rely on them almost 100%. What many don’t understand is the reason why small companies couldn’t cope with the demands. Since smaller organizations do not have the money to give proper compensation to employees, they encounter problems in the skills gap. It means that they cannot provide the necessary training for their employees to be equipped with the technical knowledge of handling tech devices, gadgets, and tools.

Although technology brought a lot of developments, it also came with heavy baggage. If organizations are not ready to address this baggage, they will have a more challenging time adapting to the technology and embracing its benefits. So, while technology did make things easier for businesses, it is still up to the companies to choose the proper hardware and train their staff accordingly to maximize technology’s potentials.

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