
Business Tech in the New Normal: How You Can Take Advantage of 2021 Tech Trends

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Last year, the wrath of the COVID-19 crisis paved the way for the new normal way of living. Consumer preferences changed in a snap, leaving companies worldwide scrambling for immediate business solutions to new consumer needs. Aside from incorporating health and safety protocols, businesses had to embrace the right technology to improve their resilience during these difficult times.

As the pandemic forced more people to stay in the comforts of their homes, it only made sense that many of us turn to technology to cope during the crisis. The numerous lockdowns and travel bans left businesses in a haste to find the best alternative ways to continue catering to their customers. Thankfully, the kind of technology we have these days made it possible for businesses to thrive in the new normal.

Increasing Need for IT Solutions

More businesses are taking advantage of different innovations to boost the safety, efficiency, and optimization of all business operations. Those in the construction and engineering industry, for instance, are now leveraging IT support services to ensure the best practices are observed in all of their IT operations.

Before, companies would opt for IT consultation and project planning services to kick start their operations. Others would hire professionals to make sure they stay relevant and compliant. Nowadays, cybersecurity is the main priority of every business, no matter the industry.

During the pandemic alone, there was a surge in cybercrimes involving businesses of all sorts and sizes. This made more businesses prioritize cybersecurity more. We can expect more companies to follow suit as a way to better safeguard their business against the bad guys.

Continuous Remote Work

woman using laptop

Many companies are already allowing some of their staff to work remotely. But the pandemic forced numerous companies to do the same even if they were still unready for the big change. Some companies even announced that they are willing to offer remote work to their employees for the long term.

Companies offering remote work need to have a clear policy in place, listing all the workers need to know to stay effective in their role. Remote work can be illegal if no policy is set in place and if a company fails to comply with the legal requirements associated with remote work. Since remote work is a desirable perk many employees are looking forward to enjoying during the new normal and beyond, more businesses are expected to continuously offer remote work job opportunities in the future.

Businesses need to make sure they are keeping track of their remote worker’s progress through effective communication and performance tracking. This is why investing in the right technology matters a lot. The right tools can help members communicate and collaborate effectively, thus improving business productivity.

Continued Influencer Marketing

Social media continues to dominate the online community, garnering billions of active users each day. According to Pew Research Center, Youtube and Facebook are still the top two most visited social media sites these days. It is because of this fact that businesses are turning to influencer marketing to boost their online presence.


Aside from these two platforms, many are also leveraging Instagram, TikTok, and Interest to gain more customers. Businesses make use of different social media sites to engage with their audiences and get to know their clients better.

Even small local businesses are now reaching out to social media influencers in hopes of getting their approval to market their offers. Some would ask for reviews while others would sponsor the influencer’s freebies and contest giveaways. Brands are taking advantage of influencer’s impact on the buying decision of their target audiences.

Growth of the Gig Economy

Many professionals are rethinking their long-term careers with short-time gigs during the pandemic. They are taking temporary positions as an alternative to their chose career path. Some are doing this simply to pursue a passion they’ve been hiding for so long while others are testing the waters and check if making the shift is viable or not.

We can attribute the growth of the gig economy due to the number of companies offered temporary positions in exchange for short-term services needed by certain companies. When one does not have the financial capacity to hire full-time in-house employees, they turn to outsourcing the pros for a limited amount of time.

Numerous freelancing websites are enabling professionals to sell their gigs to interested individuals for a cheaper price. Part-timers work on their specific projects so they can get the extra earnings and experience. On the other hand, businesses get to hire expert services for less without taking quality for granted.

There are tons of other business tech trends that are dominating the new normal. In this day and age, we can only expect more innovations to change the way we work, hire, do business, and run companies. The new normal may only be the start of a more high-tech world. Learning how to cope is the best and only way we can stay competitive during these trying times.

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